Friday, May 08, 2009

Worse Case Scenario

Swine Flu gone wild!

You've heard this topic done to death by now but here's my take on it, but I figured I give you my take on this subject matter. That's right. You have to hear about it from me, whether you like it or not. I suppose you can just stop reading if you want to. That's up to you. The subject matter of course is the swine flu. H1N1.

In the grand scheme of things, there's not that many deaths that are associated with this virus. SARS infection/death ratio was far more alarming. I suppose what makes the swine flu frightening is that it could mutate to a stronger more deadlier strain...but that can also happen with the 'regular' flu. Here are some rhetorical questions. I always ask such questions in my blogs. So should we not worry at all? Is it all just hysteria created by the media? Perhaps. We should of course still wash our hands, sneeze on our arms and not our hands, stay home when we're sick etc. That's just using common sense.

It is amazing however, to observe how fast and easy a single virus can spread around the world. That's the scary thing about this situation. What if this was something more serious and deadly? Say a zombie disease infection. The world will be goners in no time. Imagine that! There will always be those jerks (like in the movies!) that are bitten/infected by zombies who like to hide their wounds so that they can make it to the 'safe' zone to be amongst uninfected humans. Just by hiding their 'wound' these diseased ridden people for some reason think they are 'safe' from the virus by not letting people know. We all know they will turn into a zombie soon enough and surprise their friends with a big bite to their neck once their mutation is complete. In a flash, everyone will be infected in the 'safe zone' because of that one stupid jerk. No one is safe.

This of course is a worse case scenario situation. There's no such things as zombies and zombie viruses of course. Now if you will excuse me, I'm going to buy a gun now to protect myself, just in case. Remember, aim for the head. Also, I need to buy some bandages to hide this bite wound so that I can make it to the safe zone across the border. If I hide my wound, and pretend I wasn't bitten, everything will be fine. Who likes to be quarantined anyways? I certainly don't!

Click here for the current song buzzing in my head.


Kinny the Skinny said...

too much RE5...
start playing ur MSG4...
and I shall continue to play my DWG2...

world domination is only an extra acronym away @_@"

stuff99 said...

This wound is really festering. If I turn, you promise to shoot me ok?

Kinny the Skinny said...

I can do better...
I shall eat u