Friday, March 12, 2010

Handicap Washroom Stalls

Handicap washroom stalls are like the mansions of the public washroom world. It's like the penthouse suite of hotel rooms. You can practically do cartwheels in there. It's so spacious and luxurious.

One of these days, I will get caught using it when an actual handicap person needs and I will feel bad because it's sort of like parking in a handicap spot without the handicap permit.

The toilets in the handicap bathroom usually are higher than normal toilets so sometimes it makes me feel like I stumbled upon a giant's home and I'm using their facilities. It's like the toilet's made for a giant. I would daydream further thinking the giant might be upset if they discovered I'm using their giant toilet at their home without their permission. An upset giant is a scary giant. I wouldn't stand a chance. I would then apologize to the giant for using their giant toilet without its permission. This may incite anger and ill will from within the giant directed towards me. Knowing this, I would apologize and then explain to the giant that "I didn't think giants had feelings". This perhaps, may anger the giant further and he will then try to smash me with its hulk sized fists. I wouldn't fair well against giant hulk sized smashing fists at all.

This makes me glad that giants aren't real. I'd then realize what a wonderful adventure it is to use a handicap bathroom stall. The toilets are huge and so is the stall! It's like the toilet's made for a giant....oh how my mind wanders in the washroom.

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