Friday, January 09, 2009

Friday is the Best Day

Friday is one of the best days of the week, generally speaking. Those close to me have already heard why I think Friday is the best day. So you might think, jeez man, that's not Earth shattering. Everyone LOVES Fridays. Well you haven't heard my reason for it.

I started thinking about this in high school. Classes in high school takes place Monday to Friday. Heading into University, I never thought the weekly countdown to Friday would be back in my life. I enjoyed University life and the schedule that comes along with it. During my tenure at University, I always had at least a 3-day weekend. Sometimes I only had class 2-3 days a week. Mind you, the days I went to class, they were long days, but I did it on purpose so that I can have long stretches off. I just figured why be at school longer than you have to be? I still took a full course load. I've always managed to talk my way into a tutorial time I wanted. The gift of gab I suppose.

Anyways, now that I've been working for a few years, I've found that the Friday countdown theory back in motion. Before I get into it, I want to point out that even though it may sound like I am lazy, I'm really not. I just haven't found the type of job that I absolutely love, or perhaps I haven't surrounded myself in the right work environment where I absolutely love to come to work and have a blast. Laziness is when you don't even work. Do you even work? Didn't think so. Lazy bum.

Before I ramble on any further, the theory goes like this.

Monday is the worse day naturally. The weekend is just too far away.

Tuesday, is slightly better than Monday, but still things could be better.

Wednesday is one of those days that you can't decide whether or not its a good day or not. It's called 'hump day' for a reason. And no there's no double entendre intended.

So far, I'm not telling you guys something you don't know. Here comes the interesting take on things.

Thursday, things are looking good. Friday is just right around the corner and so is the weekend. Can you FEEL the excitement? If you feel adventurous, you can even make plans on a Thursday night and have a blast. The next day IS Friday after all!

So here we are. The best day of the week. Friday. No one REALLY works on Friday. Even if you're ACTUALLY working on Friday, no one else really is, not at full capacity anyways. If you work in an office and have tried calling someone for work purposes after 3pm you know you're getting voicemail baby. Forget about it. No one's answering the phone. Then the good stuff. Friday evening. This is the evening when you can truly enjoy your weekend. You have two days off after. PARTY CENTRAL. Not a worry in the world. Of course, I never really have anything planned on the weekend anyways. I just grocery shop. But the possibilities COULD be limitless.

So wait a second you ask...what about the actual weekend itself? Shouldn't those days be the BEST days of the week? I mean you don't even have work! I'd say no. You see, I'm a pessimist. During Saturday, I think, oh jeez half my weekend is almost over anyways.

Come Sunday, you can't even really enjoy it or make plans in the evenings cause you got work tomorrow. Before you know it, Monday will hit you like a sack of bricks.

Of course, if everyday is a Friday, that would be no good. No good at all. Have a good weekend everybody!


Anonymous said...

I love Saturdays the best. -_-

stuff99 said...

Sat is the 2nd best day because nothing beats the feeling on Friday night.

tamachan said...

Call me anytime Friday and you'll get voicemail. Friday is jeans day at work. Time to let it loose and surf the net! haha...

I make plans on Sundays. Often they're fishy plans :P